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Sotiris Manolopoulos

Phd of Oral Surgery - Dental Surgeon

and Colleages

Preventive Dentistry -Pediatric Dentistry

Preventive Dentistry is the branch of dental science, that commissions all the necessary actions needed to prevent the emergence of illnesses that afflict the tissues and organs of the mouth cavity.

In our dental lab our foremost purpose is to design a personalized treatment plan at every specific age focusing on prevention.

The first foundations of proper health of a person's teeth are laid during intrauterine life. Therefore, from the very beginning of a pregnancy we support the expectant mother, so that she can complete the pregnancy well informed safeguarding her own oral health and the physical/oral development of her child alike. The aim at this stage is to address possible oral problems and reinforce oral hygiene to ensure a smooth and dental problem-free pregnancy and ideal development conditions for the unborn child.

When the child is born, with the new parents as allies, we initially ensure that the conditions for normal oral development and care of the child's mouth are provided. Before the first teeth well and truly come out in the infant's mouth, we educate the parents in the correct methods of care and hygiene of their child's mouth and equip them with knowledge and advice concerning both nutritional issues and the prevention and treatment of injuries that can occur and degrade their child's oral health.

Moving on to childhood, we progressively add professional cleanings and fluoride treatments at regular intervals, x-ray exams, hole and fissure fillings, preventive fillings and whatever else is needed to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile for our young patients. All work is pronounced by fully qualified and experienced child dentist associates, so as to achieve the best possible results with the least amount of discomfort for our young patients. Our goal is to ensure a smooth psychological approach to the child and a gradual familiarization with the strange, for them, environment of the dental clinic, so that they feel safe and confident. It is worth noting that even in cases where every other approach fails (or is hindered by objective obstacles e.g. mental problems, disabilities, etc.), there is always the alternative of treating serious problems in cooperating clinics, under general anaesthesia.

For older children, but also for young teenagers, we try to support them in adopting proper - dental - eating habits and daily oral care that will accompany them for the rest of their lives. At this age we usually also assess the orthodontic condition of their dental barrier (in case of particular problems the assessment can be done already in early childhood) and depending on the problems they are guided to receive treatment by renowned colleagues, Orthodontic Specialists.

In adult patients, the preventive dentistry program includes regular clinical and radiographic examinations for early diagnosis and prevention of problems before they become major. In adults, we frequently remind them of proper tooth and mouth care techniques and supervise their correct application during periodic check-ups and cleanings that we plan individually and according to each patient's needs (once or twice a year). When we find errors or omissions we ensure that we make the appropriate adjustments to achieve the best possible result. Many times in adults, due to daily stress, adoption of bad habits, lack of proper dental care, taking medications, etc., a multitude of problems occur (disorganized chewing, dry mouth, periodontitis, benign and malignant lesions, abscesses, tooth fractures, etc.) which we make a great effort to diagnose in time, to highlight correctly and to develop appropriate treatment strategies. In this way we prevent the further enlargement of the problems and restore the neglected health, aesthetics and functionality of the mouth.

Finally, it is useful to understand that in oral health too, prevention leads to maximum benefit at the lowest possible cost! After all, the health of our mouth is interconnected with the overall health of our body, giving us longevity and a better quality of life.



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